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About 1.jpg

Roxie's Tacos, and it's precursors CDXX and Elevate Cuisine, are the dream that come true for Rosh and myself. I grew up in rural Vermont - she hails from San Luis Obispo, CA. Both of us are culinarily educated - I studied at CIA in NY, she learned the fine art of cooking at Cordon Bleu in San Francisco.


We met in San Francisco on April 20, 2011; when I was selling online catering and she was buying. We teamed up on New Year's Day of the following year, and operated as Elevate Cuisine Catering for two great years, until we opened our first restaurant, CDXX, on November 2, 2013, in the Bayview district of San Francisco.


Two years later, in search of a quieter life, we moved to Longmont, and we opened Roxy's in Boulder. When our building was torn down, we moved to Durango, where we now reside. We couldn't be happier to live in such a beautiful place with so many wonderful local ingredients at our fingertips, and the Rocky mountains as the backdrop of our lives. 


-Fletcher Starkey and Roshani Patel

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